Slow down drying of acrylic, poster, water and mural colors for better brushstrokes or blending. Add directly to color and mix well. Non-toxic. Amount to add is upon requirement of drying time to be extended. As a diluent for thick acrylic paints for better flow required in acrylic pour art. Add to dry waterbase paints but not hardened paint instead of water to liquidify flow and for longer open time in colors blending.
Also use as floral preservation dilute with water or without waterbase food dye and place flower stalks for capillary absorption. Thereafter the flower, leaves and stalks will remain supple and moist with color from the absorbed dye.
A proven water clear retarder to slow down drying of waterbase paints. Also to slow down the drying of concrete stains using iron oxides, water and CMC binder. This permits deep penetration of oxide stains into the porous concrete.