Smooth plastic stoneware clay suitable for hand throwing, press molding and model slab building. Lovely clay texture with a nice feel in wedging, model, slab construction and sculpting.
Dark chocolate unfired color. Fires to cone 7 – cone 10 stoneware temperature into terracotta color. Color with velvet underglazes in 3 coating and fire to maturity without color burnt-out. Conduct color trial firing.
Plastic bagged in 15kg wet weight will progressively dry out into lesser weight. To soften clay add water into bag, tie opening and submerge bag into a covered water pail for several days and wedge back to original.
- Clay: Stoneware
- Color: Dark chocolate fires to warm brown terracotta color
- Weight: Wet 15kg lesser upon drying
- Firing temperature/shrinkages: Cone 7 shrinkage ± 11%
Cone 10 shrinkage ± 13%