Wire gauges are reference tools used by artists, jewellery makers and craftspeople. They are used for selecting the appropriate diameter wire for a specific purpose.
A wire gauge is a quick and easy way of identifying the thickness of a wire for artwork and construction.
Measuring wire Using a wire gauge can help you identify the size of an unknown wire you may have. This may be beneficial if you need to finish a project by matching a wire type to one that you have used in the past.
Metric and Imperial Wire Gauges on either side of a single gauge The wire gauge also allows you to take the guesswork out of converting measurements. Gauges often come with metric and imperial inscriptions – these can be found either on the same side or the reverse of the gauge.
A wire gauge is a hand-held measuring device which can be circular or rectangular. It has a number of cut-out sections around its perimeter which correspond to a range of diameters.
Precise diameter cut out and circular run through area on a wire gauge A series of notches, ranging from small to large, is arranged around the perimeter of a wire gauge. Each notch is inscribed with a measurement. Further in from the edge, each notch widens out into a circle to create a wire run-through area. A wire can be pushed into the run-through area when it has been measured in the precise diameter cut out, this helps to release it from the gauge.
Wire gauge wire measuring position A wire gauge is used to precisely identify the diameter of wire. A length of wire can be held against the gauge to see which gap forms a snug fit. The best-fitting gap identifies the ‘gauge’ or diameter (in millimetres) of the wire. The larger the gauge number, the smaller the diameter or thickness – for example, 0 indicates the largest diameter of wire that some gauges can measure.