Note: All polymer clay requires kneading before use as it hardens with storage.
Purchase only upon acceptance of clay inherent features
Sculpey III is the perfect medium for anyone who likes to create. This popular oven bake clay maintains tooling and detailing beautifully. Once cured, Sculpey III bakes hard and takes on a matte, bisque-type finish. It’s easy-to-use and stays soft until you bake it. Knead before use.
H20 covercoat varnish to gloss baked polymer clay and will not turn tacky.
Please note all polymer clay will be harden upon storage and needs reconditioning before use. It becomes hard and crumbly needing softener if necessary to reconstitute clay. Several passes with clay roller or an acrylic roller is necessary. Sculpey Mold maker or Sculpey Clay Softener are such softeners. Add sufficient amount and knead well but not over softening which you can add more crumbly polymer clay.