Natural 100% beeswax refined from honeycomb capping in the harvest of honey. Unbleached yellow beeswax is a fine grain non crystalline wax. Malleable and can be blended with other waxes to formulate leather/wood polishes, DIY rub and buff wax with metallic powder, sculpting wax or encaustic painting waxes, wax resist or release agent in casting, cosmetic and confectionery. Ideal organic wax for clean burning candles and waterproofing. Waxing of archery bow and violin strings. Nice pleasant smell of natural honey. Organically safe for waxing wooden food utensils cutting boards, spoons, scoop. Blend with equal portion of Beeswax and Tung oil to coat fabric as tough waterproof Tin cloth much stronger than denim or canvas.
Natural beeswax as a sealer for porous models like wood, cement, plaster and ceramics to seal porosities and displaced air bubbles that causes mold surface defects. Rub beeswax bar liberally on model and with heat from heat gun seals porosities. When cooled buff with microfibre cloth to polish mold before casting. Sealing prolong mold service life and minimises casting defects.