Soft soap or Potash soap is by sponification of fats with Potassium hydroxide or potash into a less harsh soap. Similar sponification with a stronger lye sodium hydroxide result in a hard soap. Soft soap color vary from light yellow, golden and even dark yellow depending on the plant oil in sponification. Also known as waterbase grease application in non flammable situation.
Commonly known as mold maker size, water base soft soap is essential in plaster mold making as a release agent to ensure multiple cast plaster mold sections and the mold form work box are easily separated. Initial application best dilute with water in 1 part soap to 1 part water for better absorption into the plaster. Subsequent application need not be diluted. Work with a shaving brush to coat well all details of the master or parts to cast but ensure the internal surface of the mold for slip casting be free of soft soap as it hinder clay slip water absorption. Lightly buff the soaped surface before casting the next mold section. Ceramic spin molding soft soap is an effective release agent of the spun clay from the mold.
In leather, soft soap helps to lubricates fibres and clean up leather surfaces. Dilute the soft soap with water into a foamy solution and brush on to leather both surfaces with a shaving brush for absorption. Buff with a cloth when dry for a smooth finish. To prevent cleaned leather from drying out apply lanolin oil, linseed oil, coconut oil and even glycerine. Thereafter buff seal with beeswax dressing against stain and dirt.
Textile industries use soft soap in washing and stain removal as potassium hydroxide is less harmful to fibres.
As a solvent free lubricant for brass valves, conveyor rubber belting or rubber tyre to metal rim installation. Soft soap will not deteriorate natural rubber . Wire drawing lubricant for the dies and shine of drawn wires.
A water soluble wetting agent surfactant with Neem oil and vinegar as non toxic organic pesticide spray in garden and agriculture as a foliar spray. Eliminates and deter plants pest like alphids, spider mites and plant fungus. It will not harm the leaves in the correct dosage with water dilution as potash is a useful plant fertilizer. Eco friendly too as it washes off in the rain as a soil root nutrient. Easy to formulate as soft water soluble soap paste.
Soft soap is less caustic to formulate eco friendly body shampoo, shaving products, liquid soap skin friendly hand washes for the luxurious smoothness of plant oils and organic waxes.