A mid white stoneware clay fires to beige tone with smooth texture. Ideal for throwing stoneware pots, plates, platters and creative arts in handbuilding sculpture and throwing miniature cups, saucers, tea pots and more. Moist clay requiring kneading and wedging to remove air is a norm in ceramic craft. Spots of molds are normal in moist clay a sign of ageing that increases clay plasticity. All clay shrink upon drying and is not a concern with addition of water and kneading will reconstitute back to plasticity. Same goes for its moist weight of 5 kg± which reduces upon gradual natural drying in storage. To rejuvenate dry clay, add 5- 10% by weight of water into the plastic bag. Tie bag and submerge in a pail of water with cover for gradual moisture absorption till soft and malleable with kneading. This is a professional clay for utility wares and sculpture slightly rough as a true stoneware clay. Color with Velvets underglaze on greenware or bisquit ware and fire to food-safe maturity. Glaze with stoneware gloss glaze and fire to 1240°C.
Advantage of this clay is also an earthernware clay body fired to 1060°C as well a stoneware clay at 1200 to 1240°C. Color well with Velvet underglazes applied to greenware or bisquit fired right to maturity. Velvets have a wide firing range from 1060°C to 1300°C with little change in its colors.
Color: Off white fires beige
Weight : approximately 5kg moist
Firing temperature: 1240°C to 1280°C electricity or gas.
Shrinkage: 6 – 10%
Origin: China