4cm x 13cm vegetable tanned leather traditionally used as a leather strop. Fixed on to a hard wood handle the leather strop dressed with stropping compound helps in removal of cutting tools burs, polishes the cutting edge for the ultimate hair splitting sharpness. In the process of cutting tools sharpening minute grind serrated lines are all over the tool surface and edge. These together with the burs need to be removed by honing followed by stropping on the leather strop for a razor sharp edge. Marked difference in sharpness is the result in leather stropping as the cutting edge is been polished. The dressing with polishing compound on the leather strop helps tremendously. The efficiency of leather stropping is enhanced by scrap removal of metal laden used compound and redressing with fresh polishing compound. You be surprised the gunk scraped off attracts to a magnet. The metal polishing compound removes fine metal particles from stropped knives.
Effective in metal polishing and rust prevention of metal cutting tools. Dressed on a leather strop, the fine silicon carbide particles rapidly removes metal much faster than alumina oxides. The resultant polished metal is much better in resisting rust formation with wax incorporated in the compound. Compound is easy to apply by rubbing evenly on the leather strop .
Combo set of leather strop and polishing compound is essential for cutting tools sharpness eg, chisels, razor, hunting and kitchen knives, carving tools/gouges, utility cutters, etc.