Professional carving set with shoulder bolster tang set to prevent chisel being driven and splitting the wood handle. Further preventing the handle splitting is the brass ferrule. Such features are designed for heavy duty use with a mallet. Chisels are factory ground. Require fine sharpening with water stone mesh #1000 followed by #1600 and honing for professional use. Thereafter maintenance sharpening is with leather strop dressed with metal stropping compound. High carbon steel tool for good sharpness. For wood, plaster, leatherhard clay and Industrial oil clay carving.
A unique feature is the hook tool not found in other brands is for scrapping and levelling recessed carved areas. Its flat cutter is use like a mini plane to clean up corners and hard to reach areas. Ideal beginner and professional 6 pieces set in approximate widths consists:
Skew chisel 10mm width
Straight gouge (M) 15mm width
Straight gouge (S) 10 mm width
Straight V 10mm width
Hook chisel 5mm width
Curved gouge 10mm
NOTE: Keep dry and store oiled to avoid rusts