Lightweight Perlite powder 5 kg per 100 litre bag. Mesh sizes Powder to 0.15mm – 1.2mm.
Analysis :
- Sio2 72.0 -76 %
- K2O 3.5- 5.5%
- Al2O3 12- 17%
- Na2O 2.0-4.5%
- Fe2O3 0.5-1%
- CaO 0.2-1.5%
organics less than 0.1%
Color: white with tiny specks.
Diorama as waves and textures, foam, snow or lightweight landscape materials that can be airbrushed.
Lightweight insulation and casting with sodium silicate binder, cement or clay binder as insulation ovens and furnaces construction.
Garden potting mix with cocoa peat, vermiculite, vermicast or compost. Good drainage porosity with water retention properties. Aerates soil ideal for succulents.
Ceramic glazes formulation and clay bodies formulation.
Annealing material to control cooling required in knife and tool heating.
Scrubbing material in soap and as a mild abrasive.
Perlite powder is self wicking in alcohol stove. Fill a tight fitting metal cover can with perlite and pour in Isopropyl alcohol 99%. The porous perlite will capillary the alcohol as a wick. Alcohol will not spill as the floating perlite is a barrier. To extinguish flame just close can with cover. This is a safe camping/garden stove.
As a garden tiki torch, fill hollow bamboo with perlite and saturate with molten paraffin wax or soywax.