Shrink free, non hardening industrial styling clay for CNC prototyping, sculpting and product styling.
Surfur free: Reduces potential corrosion of susceptible metals in computer work stations, CNC equipment, oven and jewellery while retaining the feel of surphur based clays. Note: mold with tin cure silicon rubber. A barrier coat and release agent is required if molding with platinum cure silicon rubber.
Lightweight : 35% lighter than traditional industrial styling clay Specific gravity 1.05 saves shipping costs.
Milling: Excellent as clay fragments do not stick to milling bits or model surface. Chips can be brushed or blown away with compressed air. Cut surface hold excellent details.
Resistant to shrinkage and cracking: Saves time for model repairs and surface modification.
Working temperature: 125 deg F- 135 deg. F
Cohesion and Adhesion: No need to use heat gun to warm up clay surfaces for lamination build up. Seams and joints feather out smooth and do not peel backwhen tooling laminated surface. Adheres to wood, foam or painted surfaces.