In the first stages, softwoods are the best suitable wood type for creating carvings (which one to choose – depends on the purpose of the product and its appearance).
Carving is a complex form of decorative art. That is why you should select the material according to your experience. Many beginners prefer BeaverCraft BW18 basswood blocks for their whittling projects.
These basswood blocks are easy to process with a chisel and special wood carving knives. The basswood fibers are thin, so even inexperienced woodcarvers can work with this wood easily. Complex ornaments and small details will look very beautiful. The color of the wood looks amazing – light, almost white, with a smooth texture.
Such a large set of basswood blocks of different sizes will allow you to experiment, hone your carving skills and create more new and unusual carvings without fear of ruining a wooden blank. There are 18 different basswood blocks that you can use to bring the most intricate wood carving ideas to life.
Recommended finish is to fine sand Basswood comfort bird with fine sand paper mesh #2000. Mop brush on matt sealer and allow to cure 48 hours followed by sanding down raised fibres with mesh #3000 sand paper. Wipe on Tung oil and allow to cure a week before buffing with beeswax paste for a silky smooth finish.