Reusable stick-on stencils perfect for outdoor decor. These soft and flexible stencils pair well with Patio Paint Outdoor on both flat and curved surfaces like terra cotta, slate, wood, metal, plastic, stepping stones, garden flags, outdoor signs, and more.
- Begin with a clean, dry surface.
- Carefully remove stencil by lifting at tab. Position on surface.
- Apply paint to surface with dauber, stencil brush, or sponge. For best results, blot off excess paint before applying to stencil openings.
- After paint application, immediately peel stencil from surface to prevent paint from adhering to stencil.
- Gently wash stencil with DecoMagic Brush Cleaner or soap & water immediately after use. Rinse.
- Pat dry with paper towel. Return to original plastic sheet.
- Allow stenciled design to dry for 48 hours.
Additional tips:
- Cut slits into border of stencil to make it easier to wrap around complex curves.
- Allow basecoated surfaces completely dry before stenciling.