Showing 1–16 of 17 results

Apple Aqua Flow Risslon Long Hair

Origin: Japan Brush Hair : 1"      5cm L x 2.5cm W 3/4"  4.5cm L x  2.5cm W 3/8"  3.5cm L x 1.5cm W

Apple Golden Taklon Comber Japan Series 2875

Synthetic fibres golden taklon are arranged to have tapered gaps at brush ends. These brushes are for decorative tree bark,

Apple Golden Taklon Filbert Comber Japan Series 2880

Synthetic fibres filbert comber hairs are so arranged into clusters with gaps in between. These brushes are well suited to

Apple Golden Taklon Liner Japan Series 2920

Script brush for fine line painting. Synthetic brush.

Apple Golden Taklon Round Japan Series 2700

Golden taklon are synthetic nylon hairs for general painting and folk art. Its taklon color may vary from gold to

Apple Golden Taklon Script Japan Series 2900

Good brush stroke control with firm taklon script brushes in assorted sizes for acrylic paints in folk art painting, decorative

Apple KF Filbert

Apple Japan quality filbert brushes in 3 sizes. Synthetic bristles. Also known as rake brush.

Apple Pure Red Sable Round Japan Series 2250

2250 series of red sable round brushes in various sizes are available in Apple brand or in Multifilla brand. Both

Apple Pure Red Sable Script Japan Series 2280

Natural hair from animal of the weasel family valued for its fineness and softness in fine painting with water colors

Apple/Multifilla Golden Taklon Filbert Japan Series MF260KFS/2600KFS

Synthetic nylon brush for folk art painting. Its rounded chisel corners give a softer edge in floral painting and colors