All natural sharpening stone will concave in the middle with use. It requires dressing to level stone surface as not to alter the desired knife edge cutting angle in sharpening.
Use with water this coarse grit #24 silicon carbide dressing stone to grind stone surface level from different directions. To determine level, a flat stone will adhere to a wet glass surface. Remove all traces of coarse particles from stone before use.
Coarse silicon carbide dresser is also suitable as fast rust removal of pitted surface, stone sculpture sanding and smoothing. Grinding and sanding ceramic bisque wares. To manual wet grind flat raised edges of marble, terrazzo floor tiles followed by finer stone or sand paper mesh #2000 – #5000 to polish. A very abrasive silicon carbide grit #24 requiring clean up with brass wire brush and running water.
Cement mortar cast pots and planters clean up. Cement sculptures sanding and polishing. Suitable for wet use. Removal of stilts marks, unwanted glazes and even over fired glazes on kiln firing shelves this coarse sharp silicon carbide grits is effective.
Convenient set up with whetstone sharpening station (not including basin) over a water basin for water supply and stone soaking.