A free flowing spray dried powder sulphonated polycondensation super plasticiser additive to reduce water requirement in cement, Plaster of Paris mixes. Too much water will result in a weak mix in the final set strength. Dosage recommended not more than 2% to the weight of cement or plaster. Dry mix additive to material before adding reduced amount of water. As a super plasticiser its properties are self levelling, less entrapped air bubbles or pin holes, reduces shrinkages, increases adhesive strength, and better trowellability. A reduced water content in cement slurry with addition of cellulose fibre, cocoa peat powder or perlite powder and Tylose thickener mix into a thick paintable cement slurry. This slurry painted onto silicon mold will much reduce surface holes defects. When set, the wall thickness can be increased with slush casting with same cement slurry. A day later trowel on premix mortar to reinforce wall thickness if necessary with addition of chopped fibre glass strands to premix mortar. Demold after allowing the cement to cure 3-7 days as a hollow cement planter or pot. Better mold release and mold life brush on Aquacon concrete release agent.
Added to clay powder it reduces water requirement in slip formulation for faster demolding and rapid wall thickness build up. Slip castings production increases with more castings as less water saturation of mold with subsequent soluble salts build up within porous plaster reducing water absorbtion. Fuzzy cotton like qrowth on mold surface is one sure sign of salt saturated blocked plaster.
In ball milling this super plasticiser reduces water requirement for a smooth flowing paste. Ideal in milling concentrated color pigments and slurries.