Never before seen paper thin real wood veneer planned form a log with natural wood grain. Flexible to bend, fold and laminate into lampshades, rings, bracelet as wearable jewelry, glue over MDF as faux wood boxes and even tailored into a costume. Creative use is unlimited as these veneers can be stained and colored, mix media art like wood veneer and paper mache. Writing, call card, calligraphy, paper cutting and more.
Multifilla (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Reg. No: 198501005710 (138151-A)) |
No. 1, Jalan Perusahaan 2/2, Taman Industri Selesa Jaya, 43300 Balakong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. |
+603-8961 3686, +603-8961 3657, +603-8964 4388 |
+603-8961 3637 | | | |
3.021606 ; 101.74269 |